So, I have a wedding to go to in a few days and I need a fun hair style that is easy to do in under 5 minutes. These look good. I want to jazz it up a bit with some red lips too maybe! Stay tuned...
August 23, 2011
Cherry Tomato
image from summertomato
image from greenfingers
Nothing says summer like a cherry tomato salad. Mine is quite easy and you can add many an ingredient to make it your own.
Cherry tomatoes sliced in half
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Pinch salt and pepperMix and voila. Easy and delicious. I like to grill or toast some french bread, slather on some butter or olive oil and spread this salad on top a la Julia Child. You can easily add basil, mozzarella balls, garlic, feta get the idea.
Ok. LOVED this movie. Now, I know it's been a while since I got to go out ON MY OWN sans children and you may think, ahhh she just loved it cause she was getting a break. Did I mention I was out by myself? Oh. I digress. Sorry, no, seriously, this is a fantastic flick with some of the best comedic and romantic timing I have seen in a long long time. Of course, Ryan Gosling is the king of romantic timing but his comedy chops were surprising which made him a dream to watch. Emma Stone is new to me but I am totally digging her these days. And then there is Steve Carrell who is a crack up no matter how bad the flick (have you seen Date Night or whatever that movie was called?) I don't remember laughing or snorting or giggling this much throughout a film.
Yes, I snorted.
So there you have it. Your next movie out is already picked for you. You can thank me later.
August 18, 2011
"Live" Cookies
image via Live Shoppe
Have you ever tasted a baked good made from FRESHLY ground flour? If you have, you will never go back. It is simply mind boggling how amazing it tastes. In a little ol' town called Sequim in Washington State, there is a baking shoppe that makes the most wonderful cookies made with freshly ground flour. My Dad took their class and came back with his rendition of the classic cookie. Beware, this cookie is so delicious and good for you, you may be eating these for breakfast!
On a side note, there are a few stores around town where you can ground your own flour but I am afraid to get the real results you will have to find a mill yourself and grind away at home. Freshly ground flour retains all the nutrients in the grain. You have to freeze the flour immediately to maintain the freshness - flour you buy in the store has already gone rancid and does not have the "glutenous" properties that freshly milled flour contains.
Healthy Cookies
1 1/2 cups Olive Oil
1 cup Sucanat (or alternative sugar)
2 eggs
dash of vanilla
1/4 cup applesauce
1 cup oats
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups flour (half red winter wheat and half spelt)
Whisk the first 3 ingredients together, then add the next two. Mix the oats, salt, soda and flour together in a separate bowl. Slowly add the dry mix to the wet mix. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
Feel free to add chocolate chips, flax seeds, raisins, sunflower seeds...
Now that everyone and their mother has an iphone with this app, the pictures seem less unique. Don't get me wrong, I still love me some Hipstamatic prints but I have to confess I am getting a little tired of seeing them EVERYWHERE. This is a call to all app geniuses, find me the next super cool camera app!
White on White
image from Country Living
image from Architeria
image from Bed, Bath and Beyond
I am a huge fan of color but there is something about an all white bedroom with a fluffy white down comforter that is really enticing.
Spain...On the Road Again
I have been sort of obsessed with Gwyneth Paltrow since her cookbook came out. So I have been watching old episodes of Spain...On The Road Again. I am LOVING it and falling in love with Spain along the way. I, myself, am a France girl but have traveled through Spain a fair amount. This show totally is making me want to go back and just drive through the countryside, eating and drinking and being merry. With two kids in tow, this may be a bit of a challenge but it doesn't hurt to dream right?
The food is so simple yet looks so amazingly delicious. Quite inspiring indeed!
August 10, 2011
Outdoor Living
Check out this Echo Park cottage from Apartment Therapy:
Outdoor movies!?!?!?!? Awesome idea.
I am swooning over this outdoor setup!
Our summer here in the PNW has been gloomy to say the least. It's just now starting to feel summery with a little sun here and there and it's mid-August! I know I shouldn't be complaining because there is so much destructive weather out there across the country, but I want my summer back! These pictures make me want it back even more.
August 9, 2011
Feeding the Love
I love breastfeeding as much as the next mom does but kiddo number two sure doesn't get the lovey-dovey gazes while he nurses like the first one did. I physically feel him sucking the life out of me somedays and I catch myself looking forward to the day when he is detached from me forever. Is that horrible or what? I feel bad just typing that out. But in all honesty, the second time around is just so different. The guilt factor is elevated, the exhaustion is at its peak and the level of patience is quickly disappearing. The toddler takes my full attention while the innocent baby gets the leftovers. No fair!
I nursed my daughter for a year and a half and I hope I can last at least a year with my son. But the idea of freedom is just so enticing - I haven't had my body to myself in nearly 3 years! It's enough to drive you nuts. But pictures likes this on remind me of how utterly sweet and special it is to be able to hold you baby in your arms and literally give them life. There are not too many moments that are that rewarding.
My Father's Daughter
Have you checked out Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook? I know, I know, a cookbook from an actress? Get real. But seriously, this is by far one of my favorite cookbooks so far. First of all, the pictures make you want to cook every last recipe in the darn book. And even if you don't happen to have some duck confit lying about your kitchen, there are plenty of recipes that ARE do-able for the average everyday cooks out there like myself. Roasted tomatoes? Yes, please! Kale fried rice? My daughter LOVES it. Super easy stir-fried chicken? Could cook it blindfolded now.
The Perfect White Summer Dress
The quintessential white summery dress that everyone wants but is so darn hard to find. It needs to be light for the heat, not too see-through and have some sort of detail that makes it special. Here are some ideas:
From Garance Dore the ULTIMATE
Scallop Dress Doesn't this photo look dreamy?
H&M dress. I bought this on sale for $7 and cut off the flutter sleeves - it just looks SO much better as a tank dress.
August 8, 2011
The Closet Essentials
The Shoe Version
Here are my essential shoes...the shoes I wear everyday through the seasons. I of course have a closet full of shoes that I DON'T wear but you just HAVE to keep because you just never know when an opportunity to wear sequined t-straps or vintage red leather pumps may come about. But I digress.
Converse sneakers. A MUST. I can wear these with just about anything I own - from sundresses to jeans to slacks - and they are oh so comfortable and quite hip if I do say so myself.
Cowboy boots - adds a little "style" to your everyday outfit. Very Nancy Botwin.
Here are my essential shoes...the shoes I wear everyday through the seasons. I of course have a closet full of shoes that I DON'T wear but you just HAVE to keep because you just never know when an opportunity to wear sequined t-straps or vintage red leather pumps may come about. But I digress.
Converse sneakers. A MUST. I can wear these with just about anything I own - from sundresses to jeans to slacks - and they are oh so comfortable and quite hip if I do say so myself.
Cowboy boots - adds a little "style" to your everyday outfit. Very Nancy Botwin.
August 5, 2011
Coveting Now

Summer cobblers! yum yum yum. From FineCooking

Simple Up-dos: Diane Kruger's side bun is prefect for any season.

Stella McCartney (image unknown) I believe she is pregnant in the photo but the simpleness of the outfit but the color combo is fantastic. And she looks likes she isn't wearing any makeup which is impressive!

Regular and kids sized Baggu bags. Perfect for throwing in your bag or purse for on the go grocery shopping.
How to Talk to Little Girls (and boys for that matter)
This is a must read for anyone who likes to converse with kids of all ages. Lisa Bloom's article titled 'How to Talk to Little Girls' from the Huffington Post, can be used on girls and boys I would say. Instead of commenting on their physical appearances, ask them about what they like to read, to eat, to'd be amazed at what stories will come out of these kids!
Ahhhh...the Country
There is something about the country that is so divine - the tranquility, the quiet, the wildlife. But I just don't think I could move so far away from the hustle and bustle of the city...not yet anyway. This is my family's farm in Western Washington where, with two in tow, we have become frequent visitors. I am torn between my love of the city where I can walk to nearly everything I need and still feed off the youthful energy vs the solitude and naturalness of the country. Plus, my kids adore running around in acres and acres of free space, playing with the animals and picking fresh fruit. Luckily, I can shuttle between the two for now whenever I need a break.
Traveling with Children: Flying Vs. Driving
With our first child we traveled quite a bit. Everyone has always said that traveling with children is a hellish experience and I couldn't have disagreed more. It was easy. Our daughter was a natural traveler and it didn't matter whether we flew or drove. If we flew, she was ecstatic to see all the airplanes on the runway and to play with the seat trays. If we were driving, she usually fell asleep for most of the drive and liked exploring a new location whenever we needed to take a break.
But, with TWO kids, this nice and easy traveling time is firmly and positively OVER. Well, at least for now. I am sure hoping it gets easier again as they get older but for now, I am so travel weary that I can't even begin to dream up our next vacation. We attempted to take both kids on a 650 mile road trip to Sun Valley, ID. We made it almost 200 miles before we made the decision to cut our loses and head back home. 200 miles which should have taken us a little over 3 hours took 2 days and almost 10 hours of "drive time" - not a very efficient way of traveling. You see, with two kids with opposite nap schedules, one is always waking up the other mid-nap and before you know it, you have two screaming children.
Perhaps we will attempt a flying trip next...
How about you, what are your traveling experiences with children?
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